Our Unique


Looking for Jewelry Selection? You Came to the Right Place!

Custom Designs

Yes. We do custom design work. Our specialty. We can design and build from scratch. You can pick a ring, pick a diamond or color gemstone and we can put it togeher. If you have a picture or drawing of a piece you like, bring it in. We can modify, not copy, those designs and pictures. The designers put time into designing the pieces.


Licensed Sports Jewelry
Alternative Metals
Halo Collection
Rembrandt Charms
Designed and Laser Cut by Continental Fine Jewelry
Ben Cohen


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Patricia Warren
"Convallis lacinia optio! Hac morbi laboris deleniti, hymenaeos, nihil, magnis corrupti nisl dis dolores aptent eveniet nostrud eu"
Lauren Lane
"Semper laboris possimus, molestiae, anim ornare? Molestie! Dictumst scelerisque error, autem leo. Autem integer diamlorem"
Paul Smitten
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